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Saturday, 13 August 2016

When I found Freedom in Prison

When I was a child, I always thought Freedom is always inversely proportional to Imprisonment but as the days passed this theory of Freedom proved false.

From the day I made this heaven, I always worshipped these beautiful looking idols, materialistic thing, my existence and my ego. But I always stuck to one question that comes from within that if I have everything then why I am unable to find contentment. But as the time passed my experiences answered me everything which converted my heaven into hell and I found out my real status.

After Struggling whole day to earn my seat in this world, when I enter my room, sit on floor, bend my knees, raise my hands, close my eyes and pray to my God. This is the time when I actually get my freedom for which I am looking for entire day. Freedom of my thoughts, Freedom to share my feelings and Emotions, Freedom to ask for anything from my Lord, Freedom to cry as much as I want. This is the place where I find contentment when I worship my soul.

As I am growing old I am realizing my childhood theory of Freedom was so much incorrect because Freedom is not inversely but directly proportional to Imprisonment.

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