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Sunday, 4 June 2017

In search of Humanity....

Humanity..Its a single word but possessing great qualities in abundance. It is compassion, brotherly love, humanness, kindness, consideration,understanding, sympathy, tolerance, goodness, gentleness, leniency, mercy, pity, tenderness, benevolence, charity, generosity, magnanimity and lot more.
If we are lacking Humanity, then its just not few human traits that are not within us, its the absence of entire human compassion and civilization.Its a kind of invisible bond among human beings which makes us one without any barrier of caste,creed, color and race.
It is the gift given by God to humans with a wish to make this world beautiful with heavenly pleasures with just one quality of Humanity. He wished to make human selfless but unfortunately his idea of creating humanness among people goes upside down. Humans become selfish rather than selfless, hate took the place of love, humanity is converted into cruelty. This world is polluted which gives us the feel of insecurity, brutality and inhumanity.
Money now-a-days is not a means to fulfil basic human needs. Its the means which gives human the power of having affluent dominance over the poor, which makes human full of greed and distrust.We keep humanity in high regard in principle but have no time to give it a meaning in our own life. We do not expend even a little time, a few seconds in the service of humanity, in the form of prayers or meditation or by any deeds.
I believe in absolute oneness of God and, therefore, also of humanity. What though we have many bodies? We have but one soul. The rays of the sun are many through refraction. But they have the same source. It comprehends the whole of humanity. Its realization would thus mean the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.”
Our views on the society draw a major attention in today’s world. A section or a group shall not be neglected for any grounds that thrash them down to pitiable conditions. Overlooking on any such issue would be a social disharmony and disorder. Every human born on this planet do have all the rights what he ought to have. The dignity of the human kind lies in equality and justice for all. 
Thus, the service to humanity results in the oneness. It brings hope and life to the downtrodden and the disheartened. When peace and harmony becomes the main cause of every kind of service rendered to the nation and its people, it becomes the service to God. When an orphan gets a cuddling hand to light their life, it becomes a Godly gesture. When a deprived lives blissfully along with the rest of the humanity, it is the kingdom of God.